04 March 2007

Week 6 -- Exercise #13

Del.ico.us is good to synchronize bookmarks. You can have it at various locations. I couldn't figured how to create a cloud tag. It turned out to be simple once I clicked the right button!


Delicious is one of the most useful websites ever. I had to use it for my Stats class last semester because we were writing a research paper, but I used it for like all of my other classes. It was pretty fun though, especially since I could just tell others to go onto my delicious account to see the websites I marked (I think this was for my UN debate in gov). The best thing was that I pretty much could access it anywhere, so I didn`t really worry too much. It was terrible how it was really hard to sign on and book mark it, it took SOOO much work. I guess it was worth it in the end.

So I showed Mom my account and the things I had bookmarked. Pretty nice!

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