27 February 2007

Week 5 -- Exercise #11

If I was to look at the short list of Web 2.0 award winner before I completed my tenth exercise, I would have been familiar with only one award winner, craiglist.

Craiglist is simple to use and it always has what I need or want.

Of course, I heard of YouTube and MySpace.

1. Which SJPL staff haven't heard of YouTube and MySpace?
2. Which San Jose teenagers haven't used YouTube and Myspace?

1. None
2. None

After lesson #10, my knowledge is expanding!

I learned about other award winners in Blog Guides such as Technorati and Bloglines, in Photo & Digital Images such as Flickr, and in Social Tagging such as Del.ico.us.

Watch out, teenager... Mom is catching up with aching hands and tiring eyes.
Once the 23 Things are done, I want more computer time at home!!!

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